Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 37: Make something with a stapler. You can staple things together, or just work with the loose staples. Even the stapler itself

Rachel: A new style of sunglasses, with a staple frame. Process: I made a staple chain using needlenose pliers. Then the chain just sort of took on the form of some sunglasses, so I searched around for something to stick them onto. I found this great paper a child had decorated. Cut it out according to the form of the staple chain... a little clear nail polish, etc...

Hannah: May I recommend staple art! I great way to get rid of frustration, stress and agression. This is my staple self portrait.


  1. How the heck did you make this??!! It looks like stained glass (or plastic to be more exact).

  2. I took a piece of paper that one of Nora's friends had colored on, cut it out, and applied a staple chain to it using nail polish.

  3. the trick is to find a piece of paper small enough to staple in the middle.
    Hannah, your self portrait looks more like me :)

  4. the sunglasses are attractive; trying to visualize the process Rachel used... no trouble visualizing Hannah's process, but glad she didn't use a staple gun... will see if grandchildren can make staple art following Aunt Hannah's example

  5. Rachel...that is because I miss you, AND it's hard to be precise with a stapler(;

  6. Hannah, I love this and it does look like you:)

  7. I know, your project morphed because I'm in your thoughts. Love u
