Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 19: Create something that floats on water.

Hannah: I used a product called Fun Foam and cut out a tree trunk and leaves. After painting them I filled the bath and set them afloat. It was great until the leaves started drifting away. I realized they also stick (with moisture) to the shower wall and don't fall when dry. Maybe a new trend: Shower art?!

Rachel: How funny, we both worked on leaves! My idea was to find a leaf that would float and make some sort of nature sculpture on top of it, as if it were a boat. Lack of time just brought me to collect some items from the trees in my daughter's daycare garden, and voila! A floating leaf arrangement.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, this floating leaf arrangement is just amazing. I am so so glad that you and Hannah are rediscovering your creativity through this project because after having children, it is easy to feel you have lost connection to your creativity while they are small.
