Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 78: Make up a name and write story about a stranger you see today.

Rachel: Here is a fake back-story about a woman I saw running in a marathon by my house today (pictured).

"My name is Paola Borghese. I come from a tiny village in central Italy with a population of about 800. When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time in Switzerland with my grandmother. She taught me how important it is to take care of your health. We were always outdoors. Unfortunately, the mentality in my small village here is pretty backwards. I've been called a hoar because I go to the gym. I've been told that I should be at home cooking for my husband instead of out running. I don't listen to anybody anymore. I do what I know is best. I know that running will always be my friend and will always do me good. Last year I was in a car accident when a careless driver went the wrong way on a one-way street. It took me several months to get back on my feet. Fortunately, I was given the chance to run again, and I am not going to let that pass me by."

Hannah: I made up a story about this woman who holds a sign at a street corner asking for money. I drive by her many times a week and she has a very determined look on her face...

"My name is Red Rover. I was named that for two reasons. When I was born my parents couldn't believe the flaming red hair I had, and that I was born into a family of tightrope walkers. Being raised in a circus was both exciting and scary. I was the third generation of tightrope walkers, it never really seemed an option to do anyhing else. I had an accident on my 25th birthday. It was during a rehearsal and I didn't fall too far, but far enough to sustain too many injuries to perform again. I still move from town to town, excepth now I stand on the corner of the street. My training as a tightrope walker has given me the stamina to stand all day long. I don't make a lot just enough for rent and food. If you pass by give a buck or two."


  1. Rachel I like your story especially the reference to inspirational grandmothers, but what is a hoar?

  2. you're right, I misspelled that :) too many years in another country! I meant "whore", or maybe "slut" would be a better word. And I actually have a friend here who had this type of experience when she went to the gym in her husband's small village.

  3. this is an awesome story Hannah!
