Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 90: Make a piñata and destroy it!

Hannah: Step one of my caterpillar piñata.

Rachel: Hopefully this will soon become a piñata... it's a more-than-one-day project. And no, I don't know what animal it's supposed to be. It's just taking on it's own form as I go along.
Update: My mother informed me on Skype that I was doing the piñata the slow way. I was using a paintbrush to spread the glue on each strip of paper, and I was using strips that were too small. So, I got busy with my hands and some long strips, and was able to slap on several more layers in no time. It has now been filled with candy, closed with more glue and layers, and donated to the preschool so they can decorate it and use it for their summer party in a couple of weeks.

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