Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 5: What do you collect? Work with a collection of objects you have in your home.

Hannah: This is a photo of my heart-shaped rock collection. My son Corbin has found them for me. I painted one blue, that is creative right?
Rachel: What a lovely collection! The blue one is cute.

Rachel: Another struggle for me. I don't collect ANYTHING. Except maybe dust. Something about the way my life has gone... I have an aversion to collected stuff. So after stressing about this project all day, I decided that photos had to count as a collection, and I did a "creative" photoshop project and made some stationery with pics of my baby girl on it. The idea came from a piece of "stationery" I found when looking through a pile of old letters and cards (in search of a "collection"). my little sister had sent me this piece of paper at least 12 years ago where my dad had photocopied a picture of sister, and let her use the paper to make a drawing for me. So, soon, I'll print my stationery and write a letter to someone in my family!

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