Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 156: Work with only toilet paper tubes.

Rachel: I didn't stick with the word "ONLY". I also used black poster paint mixed with glue to make my own black acrylic paint, a hot glue gun, some fabric and cardboard for the base, and some ribbons. This is another toilet-paper-tube pencil holder, by the way.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 155: Use finger/thumbprints to create an image or portrait.

Rachel: Yes, another butterfly... but at least it was a fun project.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 152: Create a working Rube Goldberg machine.

so this is where Dr. Seuss got some of his inspirations!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 151: Work with crayons.

Rachel: Crayon shavings from crayons run through a pencil sharpener... glued on... not very exciting!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 150: Make something inspired by or that fits on or around a nose.

Hannah: Decided that this rock might like to have a nose.

Rachel: She looks like a clown so I gave her a red felt nose.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 149: Work with all the utensils you own today.

Hannah: Well I worked with a few. Tree of Knife...and fork...and spoon...and...

Rachel: Funny question. Anyway, these are most of my silverware... no other utensils were included.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 148: Work only with purple materials today.

Hannah: Grape juice necklace.

Rachel: This is a 5"x5" gift card I've made using a purple marker, a purple colored pencil, a purple crayon and a purple ink pen. The colors in real life are prettier than in the photo.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 147: Make something inspired by your favorite movie.

Hannah: Maybe not my favorite movie, but I do love the scene from Benny & Joon, making grilled cheese with an iron! Here is my broken heart grilled cheese.

Rachel: Aw Hannah Benny & Joon makes me miss you! So does this song by Third Eye Blind, from this movie scene, from the movie Yes Man. So what am I inspired to make? I guess a sign which reads: "Yes I can use my talent to help others." I also have to mention how great the other music is in this movie: Munchausen by Proxy.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 146: Create a visual definition for a word randomly chosen from a dictionary. Choose a word you are not familiar with.

The word: Punctilious (adjective) Showing great attention to detail or correct behavior.

He was very punctilious on how to hold a tea cup.

Rachel: Nothing says DELICIATE like some Nutella on a Digestive biscuit.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 145: Make something incongruous. Use an unexpected material to make something familiar.

Hannah: This sandwich will really clean out your insides.

Rachel: I did not come up with anything fantastic... jewelry made from office clips and a magnet. It's sort of incongruous because I would never wear it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 144: Use your feet as your hands and/or your hands as your feet as part of whatever you do today.

Hannah: I drew with my feet this lovely flower. Actually I was surprised how much control I did have, with only a little more practice...

Rachel: Well, I started out with higher aspirations... and I was actually surprised how much control I did NOT have! Also, my foot was cramping and the paper wouldn't hold still. So, to make things more complicated, I decided to trace my hand with my foot, instead of the usual tracing of the foot with the hand. But this only meant I was trying to move my foot while scrunched over... not a great result today! My creative thought about this project is: it would be more fun to go to the beach and make "handprints in the sand" instead of the usual footprints. But that will be for another day.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 143: Make something in which the sense of taste is the essential component.

Hannah: Brownie with cherries & vanilla yogurt, well it's what I had on hand. Pretty tasty.

Rachel: Iced coffee with homemade pastry cream and cantucci biscotti.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 142: Cut holes in the pages of a magazine or book so that what you reveal beneath creates something new.

Rachel: Time magazine... this could be a very neat project, but a magazine with more pictures in it would work better. I'll revisit this idea someday.

Hannah: Bookshelf becomes window, exposing a visitor with a flashlight!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 141: Make a paper pop-up

Rachel: Pop-up sunny day.

Hannah: Pop-up flower?? It will get better.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 140: Create a rebus. Bonus: use real objects


Hannah: Okay okay I'll do better next time! But tis true!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 139: Make something that will decay over time and document it until it's gone.

Hannah: My attempt at making an apple shrunken head. I will document it after it has dried.
...and after two weeks!

Rachel: Being pregnant means I'm very much against the word "decay". I finally thought of something I could do that wouldn't make me puke, so I made this flower out of a lemon peel. Unfortunately there will be no follow-up photo because my husband decided to throw it away.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 138: Make something inspired by a fictional character.

Hannah: This is created especially for Sam-I-Am the Dr. Seuss character that opens up his mind to green eggs and ham. This is green eggs and ham sushi!

Rachel: Green theme! Love the green eggs and ham, Hannah!
I've simply made an image (using photoshop) of a piece of jewelry I would make (this is a design) which would be inspired by Shrek. I have never seen the movie but it's a big green thing so it's the first fictional character that comes to mind. I recently noticed some clay for jewelry making in the supply store, so I may actually have to make this piece of jewelry someday. I would hang it on a necklace and give it to a Shrek-lover.
On a side note, if anyone is looking for ideas on who to pick as your favorite fictional character, do a google search with those exact words and you can read some very interesting stuff! I read about characters I had no idea existed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 136: Create a life-size person using your clothes and/or whatever else you have on hand.

Hannah: I was not able to do this project while on vacation...however, I created a life-size head by moving fibers on a sofa.

Rachel: My person was actually invited to a party so it hung out until the kids took it apart.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 135: Make a rubbing by placing paper over rough objects and using charcoal or chalk to pick up the details.

Rachel: This old chair outside of Palazzo Tour D'Eau is rather rough... but my charcoal was in pencil form. Next time I'll try this with a piece of charcoal, not a pencil.

Hannah: My tree rubbing. It was a little harder to do with the paper upright for the trunk.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 134: Reinterpret your favorite childhood story.

Hannah: Wondering if people would enjoy reading The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein if the roles were reversed. When I read this book to my kiddos I always thought it seemed effed up!

Rachel: I actually can't remember many stories from my own childhood, so picking a favorite turned into a long process of searching for children's books on amazon. Anyway, when I came across The Secret Garden, I went on wikipedia to read the plot again as I can't remember it off the top of my head, and this drawing is what came to my mind...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 133: Make something surreal.

Hannah: There you Daliesque moment.

Rachel: Really good surrealist artists do a lot better than this! I found these online and have to share: amazing surrealism

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 132: Create something on a T-shirt and wear it for the rest of the day.

Hannah: I miss you buddy.

Rachel: No cute t-shirts on hand, so I've used a tank top and fabric pens.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 130: Pick a piece of music that you love (or hate) and use it fas the inspiration for today's piece.

Hannah: Strawberry Fields Forever! I love this song. I scanned a photo of a strawberry onto a Shrinky Dinks sheet and baked it and made this yummy looking necklace! I am excited about all of the possibilites...

Rachel: I am amazed that you can still find Shrinky Dinks Hannah!!! That is wonderful. I want some! I did a sort of collage...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 129: Make a passport, travel poster, monetary unit, or another item for a fictional country or another planet.

Hannah: So many ideas for this project, so little time. I guess this is a monetary unit for a fictional place.

Rachel: A land inspired by some models who could only see out of one eye... I love Photoshop!